Before my son, my house was museum-like--not a speck of dust and everything in its place. I would vacuum everyday and even still, crawl across the carpet searching for wayward pieces of fuzz. After coming home from the hospital with a C-section and a baby, I immediately began wondering when I would be able to mop and sweep, growing increasingly frustrated with the exhaustion that wouldn't allow me to get started right away. I've spent the last 17 months of his life struggling to keep the house perfect and losing the battle a little more each day. At this point, I have taken to getting the vacuuming and mopping done while his Daddy bathes him at 7 in the evening (and I only mop every other day now!). This allows me such a great night's least until he wakes at 10, 2, 4, and 6. He has taken on my habits, too. He will take the broom out of the closet and push it around the kitchen floor, he is fascinated with the vacuum—trying to operate it the best he can, and he stuffs all his toys in every crevice he can find so they are never on the floor. I comfort myself with the thought that he will make some girl very happy one day with his long as it doesn't fester into a compulsion, of course. I don’t know if I am ready to throw in the towel yet. I am fairly certain leaving all the objects that have found the living room floor ON THE FLOOR would make me very nearly insane by the next day if not sooner. However, I have relaxed to a point…I will allow toys and such to remain on the floor at least until he is DONE playing with them. This was not, unfortunately, always the case. Oh, and showers! What’s the quickest shower you’ve ever taken? As I sit here writing this I should be cleaning either myself or the house (or his bottom), but alas, this child has kept me up half the night and exhaustion relentlessly taunts, “Muhahahaha!”
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